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¡¡¡¡±¨¸æÌâÄ¿: Farm Animal Proteomes in the Crossroads of Biomedical and Food Sciences
¡¡¡¡±¨¸æÈË: Dr. Em£¿ke Bendixen
¡¡¡¡Associate Professor & Group Leader
¡¡¡¡Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
¡¡¡¡Aarhus University£¬Denmark
¡¡¡¡Ê± ¼ä£º2014Äê3ÔÂ3 ÈÕ£¨ÐÇÆÚÒ»£©ÉÏÎç10:00-11:30
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¡¡¡¡Quantitative MS methods opens for new possibilitites in food sciences, for monitoring food safety, but also for improving biomedical model orgnisms. However, implementation of the most recent technolgies for large scale proteomics is greatly hampered by the relatively limited size of the veterinary research sector. Important areas to develop include mapping allergenic food proteins, monitoring food fraud in complex food matrices, and for monitoring early signs of infections in large scale livestock production platforms.
¡¡¡¡Moreover, farm animals present a very interesting resource as novel model organisms in biomedical research, hence open source tools like PeptideAtlas and SRMAtlas are in large demand, but lagging behind compared to the state for human and classic model organism proteomes.
¡¡¡¡This talk will present our work with building resources for veterinary proteomics, using a combination of shotgun and targeted proteome methods. Progress in making food proteomes strictly quantitative will be discussed, and the talk will include data from our studies of bovine host response to mastitis pathogens, and studies of the genetic basis of gut health in pigs.