±¨¸æÌâÄ¿: Beyond Beads on a String: Exploring the 3D Genome Organization
±¨¸æÈË£º Bing Ren, Ph.D.
Member£¬Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, San Diego Branch
Professor, Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, UCSD School of Medicine
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¡¡¡¡1. Jin F, Li Y, Dixon JR, Selvaraj S, Ye Z, Lee AY, Yen CA, Schmitt AD, Espinoza CA, Ren B. A high-resolution map of the three-dimensional chromatin interactome in human cells. Nature. 2013 Nov 14;503(7475):290-4.
¡¡¡¡2. Rivera CM, Ren B. Mapping human epigenomes. Cell. 2013 Sep 26;155(1):39-55. £¨Invited Review Articles£©
¡¡¡¡3. Xie W, Schultz MD, Lister R, Hou Z, Rajagopal N, Ray P, Whitaker JW, Tian S, Hawkins RD, Leung D, Yang H, Wang T, Lee AY, Swanson SA, Zhang J, Zhu Y, Kim A, Nery JR, Urich MA, Kuan S, Yen CA, Klugman S, Yu P, Suknuntha K, Propson NE, Chen H, Edsall LE, Wagner U, Li Y, Ye Z, Kulkarni A, Xuan Z, Chung WY, Chi NC, Antosiewicz-Bourget JE, Slukvin I, Stewart R, Zhang MQ, Wang W, Thomson JA, Ecker JR, Ren B. Epigenomic analysis of multilineage differentiation of human embryonic stem cells. Cell. 2013 May 23;153(5):1134-48.
¡¡¡¡4. Shen Y, Yue F, McCleary DF, Ye Z, Edsall L, Kuan S, Wagner U, Dixon J, Lee L, Lobanenkov VV, Ren B. A map of cis-regulatory sequences in the mouse genome. Nature. 2012 Aug 2;488(7409):116-20.
¡¡¡¡5. Yu M, Hon GC, Szulwach KE, Song CX, Zhang L, Kim A, Li X, Dai Q, Shen Y, Park B, Min JH, Jin P, Ren B*, He C* (2012) Base-Resolution Analysis of 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine in the Mammalian Genome. Cell. 2012 149(6):1368-80
¡¡¡¡6. Dixon JR, Selvaraj S, Yue F, Kim A, Li Y, Shen Y, Hu M, Liu JS and Ren B .Topological domains in mammalian genomes identified by analysis of chromatin interactions. Nature .2012 485(7398):376-80.
¡¡¡¡7. Xie W, Barr CL, Kim A, Yue F, Lee AY, Eubanks J, Dempster EL and Ren B. Base-resolution analyses of sequence and parent-of-origin dependent DNA methylation in the mouse genome. Cell .2012 148(4):816-31.