±¨¸æÌâÄ¿£ºFossils vs molecules or molecules and fossils?
±¨¸æÈË£º Mario dos Reis
±¨¸æÕªÒª£ºPlacental mammals appear in the fossil record after the big Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event 65 Ma, when dinosaurs died-out. Some molecular studies estimated the origin of many modern placental orders to be over 70 Ma, deep in the Cretaceous, despite a lack of fossil evidence. In this talk I review the latest molecular dating analysis of the origin of placentals and show that evidence from molecules and fossils is no longer contradictory. Old molecular dating methods used overly simplistic assumptions that led to ancient divergence times, while some paleontologists were overzealous in literally interpreting the fossil record, leading to divergence estimates that were too young.
Mario¼ò½é: Research Associate, Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment, UCL, London. UK.2007-2010:Research Fellow, Division of Mathematical Biology, NIMR, London. UK.2004 -2007:PhD Structural Molecular Biology, Birkbeck College, London. UK.2001-2003:MSc Bioinformatics, Birkbeck College, London. UK.Research Technician, Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, University College, London. UK.1995-2000:Lic. Biolog¨ªa, Universidad Simon Bol¨ªvar, Caracas. Venezuela.
ʱ ¼ä£º 2014Äê5ÔÂ23ÈÕ£¨ÐÇÆÚÎ壩ÏÂÎç13:15-14:15
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