ѧÊõ±¨¸æ-Single Cell Gene Therapy and Analysis on Nano-electroporation Chip
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¡¡¡¡±¨¸æÌâÄ¿£º Single Cell Gene Therapy and Analysis on Nano-electroporation Chip
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¡¡¡¡One of the cutting-edge multidisciplinary research themes in Biomedical Engineering is to design and manufacture advanced Bio-Chip for life science, ranging from in vitro cell biology toward in vivo medicine. In recent years, nanotechnologies facilitate the development of bio-chips and devices which have demonstrated unprecedented capabilities in single cell analysis and manipulation. In this talk, a novel nano-biotechnology, nano-electroporation (NEP), is introduced with emphasis on high-throughput, and precisely delivery of gene / drugs into living cells at single-cell resolution.
¡¡¡¡The in vitro applications of the NEP platform have been demonstrated in the studies of intracellular cancer biomarker heterogeneity in leukemic cells, cardiomyocytes, T lymphocytes and glioma stem cells. Our latest efforts have achieved in vivo cell reprogramming for on-body gene therapy and wound healing. The future research of this nano-technique for flexible wearable drug delivery platform with the aims to patient-specific gene therapy and regenerative medicine are discussed.