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¡¡¡¡April 22

¡¡¡¡11.00-11.30 Opening Remark for the Sino-Thai Primate Research Forum

¡¡¡¡BIG executive: Professor Yongbiao Xue, Ph.D.

¡¡¡¡Director, BIG

¡¡¡¡CU executive: Professor Kiat Ruxrungtham, M.D.

¡¡¡¡Vice President for Research and Innovation, CU

¡¡¡¡11.30-12.00 Introduction to BHBD Alliance

¡¡¡¡Professor Dr. Yiming Bao

¡¡¡¡Director of BIG Data Center

¡¡¡¡13.00-13.35 The unforgettable journey: From the stone-tool use macaque discovery to the new frontier of genomic research

¡¡¡¡Professor Dr. Suchinda Malaivijitnond

¡¡¡¡Director of NPRCT-CU

¡¡¡¡13.35-13.55 Degree of genetic admixture in hybrid populations between Macaca fascicularis fascicularis and M. f. aurea in association with stone tool-use behavior

¡¡¡¡Mr. Poompat Phadphon

¡¡¡¡M.Sc. student, Faculty of Science, CU

¡¡¡¡13.55-14.30 The generation of non-human primate animal models - from gene-editing to somatic cell cloning

¡¡¡¡Professor Dr. Qiang Sun

¡¡¡¡Institute of Neuroscience, CAS

¡¡¡¡14.30-15.05 Diversity of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes and genome map with repeated sequences of rhesus macaque and long-tailed macaque in Thailand

¡¡¡¡Assistant Professor Dr. Kornsorn Srikulnath

¡¡¡¡Vice Head of Department of Genetics (Research section), Department of Genetics, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University

¡¡¡¡15.05-15.30 Tea break

¡¡¡¡15.30-16.05 Genetic diversity among macaques and its implications for biomedical research: insights from genome-wide SNV and CNV

¡¡¡¡Professor Dr. Jing Li

¡¡¡¡College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University

¡¡¡¡16.05-16.40 Biomedical insights based on improved genome assembly and population genetics database of rhesus macaque

¡¡¡¡Associate Professor Dr. Zhijin Liu

¡¡¡¡Institute of Zoology, CAS

¡¡¡¡16.40-17.15 Completely genomic landscape of white-head langur by assembling with Hi-C

¡¡¡¡Professor Dr. Yanling Hu

¡¡¡¡Guangxi Medical University

¡¡¡¡April 23

¡¡¡¡09.00-09.35 16S/18S/ITS Microbiomes in wild and captive cynomolgus macaques in Thailand

¡¡¡¡Associate Professor Dr. Sunchai Payungporn

¡¡¡¡Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, CU

¡¡¡¡09.35-10.10 The gut microbiome of Tibetan macaques: composition, influencing factors and function in feeding ecology

¡¡¡¡Associate Professor Dr. Binghua Sun

¡¡¡¡Anhui University

¡¡¡¡10.10-10.45 The role of gut microbiota on TB infection and drug treatment

¡¡¡¡Professor Dr. Baoli Zhu

¡¡¡¡Institute of Microbiology, CAS

¡¡¡¡10.45-11.00 Tea break

¡¡¡¡11.00-11.35 Tuberculosis diagnosis development in NHPs

¡¡¡¡Dr. Saradee Warit

¡¡¡¡National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), Thailand

¡¡¡¡11.35-11.55 Good or Bad: Naturally tuberculosis infected cynomolgus macaques

¡¡¡¡Mr. Suthirote Meesawat

¡¡¡¡Ph.D. candidate, Faculty of Science, CU

¡¡¡¡11.55-12.30 Title TBA

¡¡¡¡Professor Yanlin Zhao

¡¡¡¡China CDC
