Microfluidics-Based Enrichment and Whole-Genome Amplification Enable Strain-Level Resolution for Airway Metagenomics 2019
microRNA-183-3p Inhibits Progression of Human Prostate Cancer by Downregulating High-Mobility Group Nucleosome Binding Domain 5 2019
Miro2 supplies a platform for Parkin translocation to damaged mitochondria 2019
Molecular Evolution in Large Steps-Codon Substitutions under Positive Selection 2019
Multiple genetic analyses to investigate the polymorphisms of Chinese Mongolian population with an efficient short tandem repeat panel 2019
Multi-scale analysis of schizophrenia risk genes, brain structure, and clinical symptoms reveals integrative clues for subtyping schizophrenia patients 2019
Non-Coding RNA Regulates the Myogenesis of Skeletal Muscle Satellite Cells, Injury Repair and Diseases 2019
Non-pathological complete paternal uniparental isodisomy of chromosome 2 revealed in a maternity testing case 2019
One thousand plant transcriptomes and the phylogenomics of green plants 2019
Patterned progression of gut microbiota associated with necrotizing enterocolitis and late onset sepsis in preterm infants: a prospective study in a Chinese neonatal intensive care unit 2019
PBX3 is targeted by multiple miRNAs and is essential for liver tumour-initiating cells (vol 6, 8271, 2015) 2019
pClean: An Algorithm To Preprocess High-Resolution Tandem Mass Spectra for Database Searching 2019
Photodynamic Therapy for Genital Warts Causes Activation of Local Immunity 2019
Predicting adult height from DNA variants in a European-Asian admixed population 2019
Recent Research Advances in Mitosis during Mammalian Gametogenesis 2019
RNA 5-Methylcytosine Facilitates the Maternal-to-Zygotic Transition by Preventing Maternal mRNA Decay 2019
RNA-seq analysis reveals different gene expression of CXCL2 in ACPA-positive and negative rheumatoid arthritis 2019
Roles of Toll-Like Receptors in Nitroxidative Stress in Mammals 2019
Sequencing of Chinese castor lines reveals genetic signatures of selection and yield-associated loci 2019
SETD2 mutations confer chemoresistance in acute myeloid leukemia partly through altered cell cycle checkpoints 2019