Chromatin regulator Asxl1 loss and Nf1 haploinsufficiency cooperate to accelerate myeloid malignancy 2018
Community differentiation of bacterioplankton in the epipelagic layer in the South China Sea. 2018
Comparative analysis of the Monochamus alternatus immune system. 2018
Comparison of immunogenicity, efficacy and transcriptome changes of inactivated rabies virus vaccine with different adjuvants. 2018
Complete Genomic Analysis of a Kingdom-Crossing Klebsiella variicola Isolate. 2018
Darwinian Positive Selection on the Pleiotropic Effects of KITLG Explain Skin Pigmentation and Winter Temperature Adaptation in Eurasians 2018
Decoding topologically associating domains with ultra-low resolution Hi-C data by graph structural entropy. 2018
Development of a massively parallel sequencing assay for investigating sequence polymorphisms of 15 short tandem repeats in a Chinese Northern Han population. 2018
Diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers of common urological cancers based on aberrant DNA methylation. 2018
Distal regulatory elements identified by methylation and hydroxymethylation haplotype blocks from mouse brain 2018
DNA methylation reprogramming of functional elements during mammalian embryonic development. 2018
Dynamic transcriptomic m(6)A decoration: writers, erasers, readers and functions in RNA metabolism. 2018
Editorial: Targeting Phosphorylation and Glycosylation of Membrane-Bound Oncogenic Drivers, Receptors and Adhesion Molecules to Control Constitutive Proliferation of Human Carcinoma Cells. 2018
Establishing a Cell-Based High-Content Screening Assay for TCM Compounds with Anti-Renal Fibrosis Effects. 2018
Evolutionary and phylodynamic analyses of Dengue virus serotype I in Guangdong Province, China, between 1985 and 2015. 2018
Facial Wrinkles in Europeans: A Genome-Wide Association Study. 2018
Fast-Evolving Human-Specific Neural Enhancers Are Associated with Aging-Related Diseases. 2018
Four-Generation Pedigree of Monozygotic Female Twins Reveals Genetic Factors in Twinning Process by Whole-Genome Sequencing. 2018
Fungal Immunomodulatory Protein from Nectria haematococca Suppresses Growth of Human Lung Adenocarcinoma by Inhibiting the PI3K/Akt Pathway 2018
Genetic variants of TREML2 are associated with HLA-B27-positive ankylosing spondylitis. 2018