Idarubicin Stimulates Cell Cycle- and TET2-Dependent Oxidation of DNA 5-Methylcytosine in Cancer Cells 2019
Identification of plasma secreted phosphoprotein 1 as a novel biomarker for upper tract urothelial carcinomas 2019
Inflammatory responses relate to distinct bronchoalveolar lavage lipidome in community-acquired pneumonia patients: a pilot study 2019
Insight into novel RNA-binding activities via large-scale analysis of lncRNA-bound proteome and IDH1-bound transcriptome 2019
MTCH2 promotes adipogenesis in intramuscular preadipocytes via an m(6)A-YTHDF1-dependent mechanism 2019
Multiregion Sequencing Reveals the Genetic Heterogeneity and Evolutionary History of Osteosarcoma and Matched Pulmonary Metastases 2019
OncoBase: a platform for decoding regulatory somatic mutations in human cancers 2019
PBX3 is targeted by multiple miRNAs and is essential for liver tumour-initiating cells 2019
Relationship between Polymorphisms of Lipoprotein Lipase Activity-Related Genes and Hypertriglyceridemia in Han Population of A Certain Region 2019
Research advance and application in the gene therapy of gene editing technologies 2019
Small RNA Profiles of Serum Exosomes Derived From Individuals With Latent and Active Tuberculosis 2019
Small Segmental Duplications in DrosophilaHigh Rate of Emergence and Elimination 2019
Speciation with gene flow via cycles of isolation and migration: insights from multiple mangrove taxa 2019
Structural variation during dog domestication: insights from gray wolf and dhole genomes 2019
The complete mitogenome of three continuous generations of 'Rongfu': a crucial Saccharina cultivation variety 2019
Transcriptomic profiling reveals MEP pathway contributing to ginsenoside biosynthesis in Panax ginseng 2019
Identification of entacapone as a chemical inhibitor of FTO mediating metabolic regulation through FOXO1 2019
A novel m(6)A reader Prrc2a controls oligodendroglial specification and myelination 2019
DSMNC: a database of somatic mutations in normal cells 2019
Editome Disease Knowledgebase (EDK): a curated knowledgebase of editome-disease associations in human 2019