Genome-wide definition of selective sweeps reveals molecular evidence of trait-driven domestication among elite goat (Capra species) breeds for the production of dairy, cashmere, and meat 2018
Histone arginine methylation by Prmt5 is required for lung branching morphogenesis through repression of BMP signaling. 2018
Histone variants H2A.Z and H3.3 coordinately regulate PRC2-dependent H3K27me3 deposition and gene expression regulation in mES cells. 2018
Identification of a G2-like transcription factor, OsPHL3, functions as a negative regulator of flowering in rice by co-expression and reverse genetic analysis. 2018
Identification of RPL5 and RPL10 as novel diagnostic biomarkers of Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors. 2018
Identification of SNPs associated with residual feed intake from the muscle of Litopenaeus vannamei using bulk segregant RNA-seq. 2018
Immune tolerance of vector beetle to its partner plant parasitic nematode modulated by its insect parasitic nematode. 2018
Impact of growth pH and glucose concentrations on the CodY regulatory network in Streptococcus salivarius. 2018
Inconsistent genotyping call at DYS389 locus and implications for interpretation. 2018
Integrated DNA methylation and gene expression analysis identifies SLAMF7 as a key regulator of atherosclerosis. 2018
Lineage-associated underrepresented permutations (LAUPs) of mammalian genomic sequences based on a Jellyfish-based LAUPs analysis application (JBLA). 2018
Lower genomic stability of induced pluripotent stem cells reflects increased non-homologous end joining. 2018
METTL3-mediated m(6) A modification is required for cerebellar development. 2018
METTL3-mediated N-6-methyladenosine mRNA modification enhances long-term memory consolidation. 2018
mRNA m(6)A plays opposite role in regulating UCP2 and PNPLA2 protein expression in adipocytes. 2018
Orientalol L-P, novel sesquiterpenes from the rhizome of Alisma orientale (Sam.) Juzep and their nephrotoxicity on HK2 cells. 2018
Pan-Genomic Study of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Reflecting the Primary/Secondary Genes, Generality/Individuality, and the Interconversion Through Copy Number Variations. 2018
Pathobiological Pseudohypoxia as a Putative Mechanism Underlying Myelodysplastic Syndromes. 2018
PGAweb: A Web Server for Bacterial Pan-Genome Analysis. 2018
Proteomic Analysis of Avian Influenza A (H7N9) Patients within a Family Cluster. 2018